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姓    名金雪莹
职    称副教授                               
邮    箱xyjin007@hfut.edu.cn
电    话
  • 个人简历

  • 研究领域


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  • 发表论文

    1.Xueying Jin, Mengyu Wang, Keyi Wang, Yongchao Dong, Liandong Yu. “High spectral purity electromagnetically induced transparency-based microwave optoelectronic oscillator with a quasi-cylindrical microcavity, Optics Express, 2019, 27(1): 150-165.


    2. Xueying Jin, Xin Xu, Yang Lu, Haoran Gao and Liandong Yu. “Stability Analysis and Transient Attraction Dynamics of Flat-Top Solitons via Modulated Driving Fields in Normal Dispersion Microcavity, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2020, 12(5): 1-15.


    3. Xueying Jin, Liandong Yu, et al. “Multiple-channel dynamic bandpass filter via radiation modes-assisted transparency in a side-coupled SNAP microcavity, Applied Physics Express 12, 092001 (2019).


    4. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang. “Stable controlling of electromagnetically induced transparency-like in a single quasi-cylindrical microresonator, Optics. Express 24, 29773-29780 (2016).


    5. Xueying Jin, Jing Wang, Mengyu Wang, Yongchao Dong, Fei Li, Keyi Wang. “Dispersion engineering of a microsphere via multi-layer coating,Appl. Opt. 2017. 10 .1, 56(28): 8023~8028


    6. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang, H. Jian. “Selective Excitation and Probing of Axial Modes in a Microcylindrical Resonator for Robust Filter, IEEEPhoton. Technol. Lett. 28, 1649-1652 (2016).


    7. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang. “Selective excitation of axial modes in a high-Q microcylindrical resonator for controlled and robust coupling, Appl. Opt. 54(27),8100-8107 (2015).


    8. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang. “Demonstration and characterization of distributed multiparticle-induced mode splitting in a microsphere resonator, Opt. Commun. 363, 57-62 (2016).


    9. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang. “A multi-VCR system for dispersion compensation and tunable group delay, 342, 238-242 (2015).


    10. Mengyu. Wang, Xueying. Jin, Fei. Li, Bolin. Cai, Yu. Yang, Sifan. Zeng, and Keyi. Wang, Label-free nanoparticle sensors based on a triple-layer-coated microsphere structure, Materials Letters (2019).


    11. Yongchao Dong, Xueying Jin, Keyi Wang. “Packaged and robust microcavity device based on a microcylinder–taper coupling system, Appl. Opt. 54, 4016-4022 (2015).


    12. Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang, Xueying Jin. “Packaged microsphere-taper coupling system with a high Q factor, Appl. Opt. 54, 277-284 (2015).


    13. Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang, Xueying Jin. “Simulation and optimization of multilayer-coated microsphere in temperature and refractive index sensing, Opt. Commun. 344, 92-99 (2015).


    14.Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang, Xueying Jin. “Package of a dual-tapered-fiber coupled microsphere resonator with high Q factor, Opt. Commun. 350, 230-234 (2015).


    15.Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang, Xueying Jin. Selective excitation of high-Q resonant modes in a bottle/quasi-cylindrical microresonator, Opt. Commun. 372, 106-112 (2016).


  • 专著教材

  • 申请专利

    1. 金雪莹,于连栋,徐昕,赵会宁,夏致媛,夏豪杰,李维诗,基于电磁诱导透明原理的轻小型光电振荡器及低相位噪声微波信号产生方法,专利号:ZL 2019 1 0831291.1



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