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姓    名马孟超*
职    称副教授                                
邮    箱mmchao@hfut.edu.cn
电    话
  • 个人简历

    本、硕、博毕业于中国科学技术大学精密机械与精密仪器系,2014.7~2017.12中国十大娱乐赌博城网址中国十大娱乐赌博城网址讲师。2017.12~今,副教授。担任本科生《自动控制原理》及《计量学基础》及研究生《科技论文写作》、《动态测试信号处理与建模》等课程教学工作。研究方向主要包括计算成像、仿生复眼、结构光三维测量等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项。共发表论文60余篇;申请发明专利10余项。个人主页 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mengchao-Ma

  • 研究领域

    (1)仿生复眼 (2)量子计算成像 (3)三维测量 (4)全场振动测量与分析
  • 开设课程



  • 科研项目



    2.国家自然科学基金面上项目: 仿生复眼动态测量及动态视觉感知机理研究(51775164),2018.1~2021.12

    3.国家自然科学基金青年项目: 复眼系统用于大视场成像与三维测量的研究(51405126),2015.1~2017.12

  • 发表论文

    [1]. Jiayang Liu, Mengxue Lu, Yinghao Cui,Yangyang Sun, Yuanming Ma, Qingtian Guan, Mengchao Ma*, Gaobin Xu and Yongqiang Yu*. Low dark-current V2CTx/n-Si van der Waals Schottky photodiode for Hadamard single-pixel imaging[J]. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2023. (通讯作者)

    [2].Yikai Zhu, Zhou Yang, Chong Jiao, Mengchao Ma*, Xiang Zhong. A multi-modal energy harvesting device for multi-directional and low-frequency wave energy[J]. Frontiers in Materials- Smart Materials, 2022, 9: 2296-8016(通讯作者)

    [3].Mengchao Ma, Shiyu Zhao, Wuhan Si, Hang Li, Yunyang Li, Huaxia Deng, Xiang Zhong. Design and optical characterization of compound eye type solar concentrator[J]. Results in Optics, 2022, 6: 100202.

    [4].Mengchao Ma, Ning Mao, Chunyang Chen, et al. Single-pixel panoramic inspection of objects with the assistance of planar mirrors [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2022, 150(106839). 

    [5].Mengchao Ma, Yi Zhang, Huaxia Deng, et al. Super-resolution and super-robust single-pixel superposition compound eye [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 146(106699). 

    [6].Mengchao Ma, Yi Zhang, Lei Gu, et al. Reflection-removal detection enabled by single-pixel imaging through semi-reflective medium [J]. Applied Optics, 2021, 60(28). 

    [7].Mengchao Ma, Qianzhen Sun, Xicheng Gao, et al. Single-pixel imaging in the presence of specular reflections[J], Applied Optics, 2021,60(8):2633-2639

    [8].Mengchao Ma, Qianzhen Sun, Xicheng Gao, Guan Wang, Huaxia Deng, Yi Zhang, Qingtian Guan and Xiang Zhong. High-efficiency Single-pixel Imaging Using Discrete Hartley Transform [J]. AIP Advances, 2021, 11(7).

    [9].Mengchao Ma, Yuyu Wang, Xing Li, Huaxia Deng, Pengcheng Yao, Jin Zhang, Xiang Zhong. A multidistance constraint method for three-dimensional reconstruction with coaxial fringe projection measurement system[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 132.

    [10].Mengchao Ma, Hang Li, Gao Xicheng, Si Wuhan, Deng Huaxia, Zhang Jin, Zhong Xiang, Wang Keyi. Target orientation detection based on a neural network with a bionic bee-like compound eye[J]. Optics Express, 2020, 28(8): 10794-10805. 

    [11].Mengchao Ma, Pengcheng Yao, Ji Deng, Huaxia Deng, Jin Zhang, and Xiang Zhong. A morphology phase unwrapping method with one code grating, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018. 89: 073112. 

    [12].Mengchao Ma, Pengcheng Yao, Huaxia Deng, Yuyu Wang, Jin Zhang, and Xiang Zhong. A simple and practical jump error removal method for fringe projection profilometry based on self-alignment technique, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018,89. 

    [13].Mengchao Ma, Fang Guo, Zhaolou Cao, Keyi Wang. Development of an artificial compound eye system for three-dimensional object detection[J]. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(6): 1166-1172. 

    [14].Mengchao Ma, Xiangcheng Chen, Keyi Wang. Camera calibration by using fringe patterns and 2D phase-difference pulse detection. Optik, 2014, 125(2): 671-674. 

    [15].Huaxia, Deng, Xicheng Gao, Mengchao Ma*, Pengcheng Yao, Qingtian Guan, Xiang Zhong, and Jin Zhang. Fourier single-pixel imaging using fewer illumination patterns, Applied Physics Letters, 2019.114. (通讯作者)

    [16].Huaxia Deng, Xicheng Gao, Mengchao Ma*, Yunyang Li, Hang Li, Jin Zhang, and Xiang Zhong. Catadioptric planar compound eye with large field of view, Optics Express, 2018,26: 12455-68. (通讯作者)

    [17].Huaxia Deng, Ji Deng, Mengchao Ma*, Jin Zhang, Pengcheng Yao, Liandong Yu, Xiangcheng Chen, Yajun Wang. Direction-determined phase unwrapping using geometric constraint of the structured light system: The establishment of minimum phase map,Optics Communications, 2017.11.1,402: 14~19(通讯作者)

    [18].Huaxia Deng, Ji Deng, Mengchao Ma*, Jin Zhang, Liandong Yu, Ziming Wang. 3D information detection with novel five composite fringe patterns[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(19-21): 1740088. (通讯作者)

    [19].马孟超, 邓华夏, 张进, 钟翔, 于连栋. 快速离焦投影三维测量技术[J]. 仪器仪表学报, 2017, (10): 2564-2572.

  • 专著教材

  • 申请专利

    [1].马孟超; 苏义龙; 邓华夏; 钟翔;, 一种非视域单像素成像系统及光泽表面缺陷检测方法, 2022.4.12, 中国,实审,202111554535.X

    [2].邓华夏; 马孟超; 龚兴龙, 晶圆表面缺陷的检测方法及其检测系统, 2022.1.28, CN202111340689.9, 实质审查.

    [3].邓华夏 ;黄晓宇; 高夕成; 管擎天; 马孟超; 钟翔, 一种基于单像素成像的光弹性法. 2021.12.28, CN202111167793.2. 实质审查.

    [4].马孟超; 李允阳; 李行; 高夕成; 邓华夏; 张进; 钟翔, 一种视网膜型的锥形光纤复眼成像装置, 2021.1.15, 中国, 已授权, CN201910147900.1.

    [5].马孟超; 姚鹏程; 邓华夏; 张进; 于连栋, 一种基于复合光栅投影的快速三维测量方法, 2019.3.26, 中国, 已授权, ZL201710141583.3.

    [6].马孟超; 孙乾振; 邓华夏; 钟翔, 一种一步谐波单像素成像方法, 2020.11.27, 中国, 实审, CN202010795913.2.

    [7].马孟超; 张翼; 邓华夏; 钟翔, 一种重叠型复眼, 2021.07.26, 中国, 实审, 202110466138.0.

    [8].马孟超; 袁光义; 邓华夏; 钟翔, 一种低频预紧式双稳态振动能量收集器及制作方法, 2022.06.21, 中国, 已授权, ZL202110341888.5.

    [9].马孟超; 司武汉; 邓华夏; 钟翔, 一种仿生复眼式太阳能非跟踪式聚光器, 2021.06.18, 中国, 公开, CN202110354772.5

    [10].马孟超; 刘心阳; 祝鹏伟; 万澳德; 李欣然, 一种基于永磁体高效压旋自发电应急充电宝, 2021.11.12, 实用新型, 中国, 已授权, ZL202120989879.2.

    [11].马孟超; 毛宁; 陈春阳; 邓华夏; 钟翔, 一种全景单像素成像装置及方法,2021, 中国,实审.

  • 获奖成果
